Welcome to the EFI-332, DIY-EFI, and gmecm WWW pages.

  • This is the home page for the mailing lists of the same names. The DIY-EFI list has been in existence since May 1994, and is for discussion of all aspects of electronic fuel injection, engine management, and related topics.
  • The EFI-332 list is a companion list that was begun in March 1995. It is specifically for a group project based on the MC68332.
  • The gmecm list was begun in Feb 1999. Its purpose is to understand the operation of GM ECMs in great detail. Topics include finding table locations in the EPROM image, and disassembling and understanding what the stock GM code does.
  • diy_efi Web Site


    gm_ecm Web Site


    efi332 Web Site

    Note: The EFI332 project is defunct, and these pages are no longer being actively maintained.


    wb-o2 Web Site

    Note: The WBO2 project is defunct, and these pages are no longer being actively maintained.


    Site files accessible via HTTP. FTP access currently disabled.

    Maintained by Brian Koontz, brian@diy-efi.org

    Thanks to Bowling & Grippo for their financial support of this site!