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Re: Nother ALDL grabbing method

>What I could use is someone to send me a real capture. doesnt have to be a
>known stream pattern at all - that step is for the config files stage if it
>ever gets that far. Yes I can do it myself but does anyone else want to
>play? I'll send a copy of the S/W to anyone who sends me a stream of at
>least 2 seconds duration.. so you can play tester too.

O.K, been here before let me share my experiences (prior to making a
GM-RS232 conv).
I used CoolEdit to capture (via a preamp to the sound card), you can
download a trial version from various places of CoolEdit, just search
around. This program is excellent for this, as it shows a time line.
Captured it at 44k 8bit Mono, how long?, as big as your H.D can handle.
But take it from me, it is very difficult picking the bits out, It does take
a long time (took me about 40 mins to pick only 5bytes!!, eventually got
them right to!!).
Use Carbytes instead, it captures, it slices it dices!!.
BTW - Didn't Kenny Burnstein use a tape recorder MANY years ago on his

Ross Myers