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Selling 68HC11 stuff

I'm selling a batch of 68HC11 development stuff from an old project. I want 
to sell it a s a single lot if possible. Main stuff listed below and I throw 
in a bunch of glue parts.

Stuff for 68HC11 in general and D3 in particular:

Whitesmith 68HC11 C Compiler and assembler/linker for PC. With manual. ($1200 

Cosmic C improved Whitesmith. Very efficient code generated. Notes on 
difference from Whitesmith manual. Came with Codewright editor but I use 
MultiEdit. Do I still have the Codewright? Need to look around a little. I 
don't have the Cosmic manuals or registration, it vanished in a partnership 
breakup but is not being used by anyone else. In other words, there is no way 
to prove ownership for a proper transfer so you can get updates, etc. On the 
other hand, it doesn't need any updates. The HC11's have been around for a 
long time.

Wytec WICE 68HC11 + Software for 68HC711D3 Ver 1.46 PC Driver for serial port 
and user's manual. Very nice simple ICE. You can get other adapters and 
setups for other HC11 chips. In fact, the D3 is harder to work with than the 
others, though it is the smallest.

Moto M68HC11EVM + User's manual etc. Moto modified for the D3. Quit working 
and I don't know why.

12 XC68HC711D3FS EPROM window versions of D3. 44 pin PLCC. Expensive little 

4  MC68HC711D3CFN2 windowless OTP versions of D3. 44 pin PLCC. Unprogrammed.

7  65C51 UART 28 pin PLCC.

4  GAL16V8 20 pin PLCC.
4 Moto MC34064-005 reset circuit. TO220.
1 28 pin PLCC to wire wrap adapter. Two rows of pins.
1 44 pin PLCC to wire wrap adapter. Two rows of pins.
1 44 pin PLCC to wire wrap adapter. Four rows of pins, compact. AB44PCC3CW
1  Datarase II UV EPROM eraser with poer supply and instructions.
1 44 pin PLCC ZIP flip top style socket for programming, etc.
3 Maxim MAX6314 Reset Circuit for 68HC11 (much better than Moto). SOT143
Some EPROMs and static RAMs for expanded mode.
4    1.8432 MHz oscillators for UARTS.
10  4.9152 MHz cylindrical xtals. (Digikey SE3407-ND)
74HC573's for expanded mode.

Charlie Springer
