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Re: Novice Question

 I just took a pick and wiggled it by the eprom pins 'til the solder let go
low tech but it worked ( solder has a very low yield strength, try to shear

Previously, you (David Cooley) wrote:
{ At 05:28 PM 4/4/00, you wrote:
{ >I've heard of folks disassebling the memcals, but I have yet to do anything
{ >other then wreck them with any attempt I've made at that.  Also, remember
{ >some of these guys do this stuff for a living and have the hands of a
{ >surgeon, and the proper equipment for doing said operations.  I've seen a
{ >doctored PCB, that I had to ask where the work was done, it was that good.
{ >If you do that sort of thing fine, this is just a broad spectrum letter, so
{ >that not everyone thinks it's a no brainer to do.
{ >
{ >Like the electrictian said to the surgeon, how dare you charge so much for
{ >what you do, I do things just as finely, and acurately as you.  The surgeons
{ >response,     ya but I do my work on stuff that is alive.
{ Best way I've done it is to snip the pins of the EPROM at the chip, then 
{ unsolder them 1 at a time with the solder sucker to remove the individual 
{ pins.  Then adding the socket to the carrier (Zif or standard).
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{ David Cooley N5XMT Internet: N5XMT@bellsouth.net
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