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Re: GMECM Digest V2 #149

At 05:22 PM 04/06/2000 -0700, Dig wrote:

>Does it do it under no load at all? (Ie, in neutral?)

Yup, coasting, too.

>Well, you really wouldn't have to use an aftermarket
>circuit, you can do it with a few cal data tweaks.
>Just set the ESC attack rate to 0 for 2000 RPM and 

Doing this was part of the "long story".  Obviously (given later findings),
had no effect.

>a few weeks ago... hook the knock sensor into the mic
>input of a sound card and record the waveform. 

"Long story" continued - hooked an amp to the KS & listened while watching
my Knock bargraph display - nada @ 2000, but did hear the real stuff;
frying bacon!  Add-on MSD unit also never saw the knock, just the legit stuff.

Tomorrow - try to find out what's dirtying up the ECU's +5v line; 'scope
time!  Swap to a spare unit if internal to the ECU.

Thought I'd be well on my way to a pretty good chip by now, instead of
spending all this time just getting back to baseline.  Hey, so what *else*
is new, right????  At least it wasn't something mechanical, deep in the
bowels of the engine; really don't want to go there again for awhile.

Thanks for all your input & suggestions, guys; sincerely appreciated by
this newbie - (Maybe I'll be an oldbie someday........).


>'91 Sy - 12.53@105
