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Re: ZIP Cleaning

On Sun, 16 Apr 2000 23:07:36 -0400, "nacelp" <nacelp@bright.net> wrote:

>What's the best way to clean the ZIP socket in say a programmer?.
>This one is getting old, looking almost oxidized

Hey Grumps, a good one I can refer you to:
	"DeoxIT D5"
is a product of CAIG Labs, is found in any industrial electronics or
high-end audio tech supply house, and has proved excellent in both
cleaning and long-term contact corrosion protection. I've used it in
both general electronics and when once involved in a recording studio,
where low-level signal/contact integrity is very noticeable. Have any
trouble finding it, drop me a line and I'll send you a can; I keep a
couple spares around the lab.

Also excellent for cleaning O'scope gain selector switches.  :)
