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Re: somebody tell me what went wrong.

I have some shielded ribbon cable that I'll send out to people for the cost
of shipping. Just drop me a line off-list... No promises that it will work
for this application, however I suspect it would. Wrapping with tin foil
would also probably work.

At 07:56 AM 5/2/2000 -0700, you wrote:
>I recently built the same thing.  The ribbon cable reversed the pins.  No
>I had to rebuild the thing.  I have about 12" ribbon cable.  It was
>susceptible to noise.  If I used electrical acc the engine would stutter.  I
>wrapped the ribbon in alum foil and grounded it to the ecm case.  I have the
>zif socket barely showing out of where the under dash light goes on the pass
>side under dash cover and it works great.  No more ecm laying on the floor.

        Peter Hipson (founder, NEHOG)
        1995 White NA Hummer Wagon