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Filtmph and boost tables followup

Ludis Langens <ludis@cruzers.com> wrote:> 
[A while ago]

>You're talking about the 16 bit RAM variable?  Your
>understanding should be correct, just remember, the
>'HC11 is a big endian processor with the upper byte
>stored at the lower address.  RAM location 0x4e
>contains the integer portion, and 0x4f the fraction.

Math was my problem... I was dividing things by 9
(Thinking 0-based) instead of 8, like I should have.
Everything made sense in the data once I cleared this
simple hurdle.

I also tried extending the table by sticking 0x0F in
the table length and using a 16-byte table. This 
works really well, gives me 16 MPH resolution, which
is plenty, and the range is all the way up to 255 

The resulting code works great in practice too, my
boost is rock-solid even through the shift points.
Now on to multiple boost levels for each gear...

Thanks Ludis!

