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RE: Intercooler temps (again)

> This should tell you how much heat is being removed from the airstream.
> Measuring the temp's should be easy, but I couldn't work out a way of
> measuring the flow rate without spending $100 on a flow rate sensor. But
> like Mr Nacelp, I am amaised how good the IC is at cooling the intake air.
> I just wish there was a simple way of measuring how good it really is.

You can calculate intercooler efficiency by using:

efficiency= (T2-T3)/(T2-Ta)

T2=Temp of air leaving compressor (supercharger or turbo)
T3=Temp of air leaving intercooler
Ta=ambient temperature

A comparison of the efficiencies before and after a system change 
would allow you to determine whether the modification was 
worthwhile.  You could also determine the heat transfer rate on a 
per mass basis without knowing the flow rate:

q=1.01(T2-T3) (Temperatures in Kelvin or Celsius)

You'll get heat transfer in units of kj/kg.
