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RE: ANLX-5474 update?YES

After comparing ANLX/5474 to ASDU/9567 and in ASDU the EGR is disabled, no
rev limiting in VE tables and some changes in spark tables. But there is
difference in options byte at $0007 which is $24 in ASDU and $04 in ANLX.

My car is having TH-700 and I just wonder is ASDU for 350 followed by
In 7747_asdz_hack.pdf that LD007 opt work is having $24 and means that
"Decell fuel cut off TCC Unlock" and "Hi Ger SW pol" is "Hi sig". And in
ANLX only "Decell fuel cut off TCC Unlock" is set.

Also, in ANLX:
- LD00E "Normal MAP Filter coeff" and LD020 "TPS Thresh for BARO calc" are
128 (and in ASDU 240)
- LD291 "Filt coef TPS" is 80 (115)
- LD292 "Diff TPS req for pwr enrich while in pwr enrich" is 10 (5)
- LD295 "TPS filter coef" is 5 (52)
- LD298 "Cold cls lp timer" is 75 (95)
- LD299 "Cool min for cls lp enable" is 48 (64)
- LD29A "? - hack having mistake here?" is 150 (100)

Your opinion about keeping ASDU value or to use ANLX one instead?


> There is an update available. First this is a California 
> calibration. If your 
> local isn't under that compliance, I'd recommend the federal 
> cal. The correct 
> update for it is.
> ASDZ/9578 ID= 9501 PT# 16139577
> For the federal version
> ASDU/9567 ID= 9461 16139566
> Note: the calpaks are the same for either