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[Gmecm] Reluctor / rotor phasing

With EST off it is at 9 degrees, but wont idle more than about 3 seconds,
then it slows down to the point where the engine dies.


-----Original Message-----
From: gmecm-bounces@diy-efi.org [mailto:gmecm-bounces@diy-efi.org] On Behalf
Of DV Fagan
Sent: Monday, September 12, 2005 12:39 PM
To: gmecm@diy-efi.org
Subject: Re: [Gmecm] Reluctor / rotor phasing

What does a timing light indicate your idle timing is?
With EST on and off?
It should be zero degrees with EST off.  Cam chain
wear might require you to set it at 4 degrees BTC. It
should then idle with EST off.

--- hooker <thooker@nmsu.edu> wrote:

> Greetings,
> Thanks for letting me join.  I hope to contribute to
> the list in a positive
> way. 
> I have a Ford I6 that I installed a GM TBI system
> on.  It is at about the
> 95% level now, but I am trying to track down a few
> problems.  Below are two
> most pressing questions:
> One question I have is the relationship between the
> reluctor wheel and the
> rotor.  In my particular system, when the reluctor
> is pointing directly at
> the pickup coil, the rotor has passed the actual #1
> distributor cap point by
> 10 or 15 degrees.  The rotor plate was fixed by tack
> welding it while it was
> in the non advanced position (it was a vacuum
> advance type dist, and when I
> removed the vacuum pot I pushed the plate away from
> the vacuum motor, then
> tack welded it place).
> I could change this by simply grinding the tack
> welds and repositioning it.
> Where should I position it?
> Question #2:  In my setup, there are two wires
> coming from the Ford dist:
> Purple and Orange.  I put an O scope on the wires,
> and when the reluctor
> tooth is approaching the coil center, the purple
> wire is the positive one.
> Therefore, I connected the purple wire to the P
> input of the GM ignition
> module, and the orange wire to the N input.  
> The motor runs pretty well, but when I remove EST
> connector to time the
> engine, it wont stay running.  I set the timing to 0
> degrees (having my wife
> keep the engine running with the gas pedal), then
> reconnect the EST, and the
> engine perks right up, idles, etc.
> Is this normal?
> Thanks for your help,
> Tracy
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