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[Gmecm] Reluctor / rotor phasing

14 Sep 2005  "Tracy and June Hooker" <thooker@nmsu.edu> writes:

> So, I guess a rephrased question is:  How do I know 
> where to lock down the vacuum advance plate?
> Tracy


The spark gap will be constant and pretty small, as long as 
the rotor and plug wire tower overlap.  If the rotor tip were 
12 distributor rotation degrees wide, and the spark tower 10 
degrees wide, the pair would overlap for 22 degrees.  That 
might exceed the variation in spark timing, so they could 
always be somewhat overlapped.  You should never have 
sparks outside the overlap range.  

For a mechanical distributor, you might vary the vacuum 
with a hand pump over its range, while watching through 
a  transparent/holed cap.  Turn the dist to keep the engine 
running as needed, you will need to reset timing after 
you get the phasing set.  

Bruce Roe