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W32/NewApt virus

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Last Monday we notified you that a message you sent to jsg@donet.com contai=
ned the W32/NewApt virus. We wanted to follow up and remind you that you ca=
n go to http://www.mailzone.net/tools/lookup/lookup.asp?id=3DB0006005259@ma=
ilzone02.allegro.net&ms=3D97330 and view the details of the virus we detect=

As a courtesy to your recipients, we encourage you to deploy a virus clean-=
up regimen at your site to avoid infecting any future messages, and most im=
portantly, avoid an embarrassing situation caused by sending a virus to you=
r correspondents.  We wish to extend a 90-day free trial of our MailZone se=
rvice to help you monitor and snuff out any future e-mail transmitted virus=

Please contact me directly or sign up for your free MailZone trial on-line =
at http://www.allegro.net/mailzone. If you are not the person who can make =
decisions regarding this company wide solution, please forward this message=
 to your computer systems administrator so he/she can investigate the benef=
its of MailZone.

Heidi Macneal
(800) 209-6245 ext 4101
(937) 264-7805 fax
