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Re: Archives
I started with the first months, in alphabetical order, if your serious,
please start at sept 99, then sept98, sept97, sept 96, then Oct 99,
98,97,96, etc..
The we can do gmecm... The DIY is the most consuming so far.
Any one else want in?. If we had a few ppeople doing it would go much
Even just to strip the headers out, I'll do the thread editing...
| > If you using windows, just download to read the entire month, and hit
| save,
| > or save as. I've got the whole set. Been editing them forever to strip
| all
| > the stuff out of them (address header) takes lots of time. If you want
| > start doing that, I'll trade ya month for month on any you get done.
| > offer to anyone else.
| > Maybe some day we'll get a compact version..
| > Grumpy
| Righto
| Where r ya up to and I'll start from there
| Geoff