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Re: 165 to late MAF
Tain't the Human brain wonderful. Cram packed full of the most rediculous little
specs of data, but somehow we keep finding uses for them!!
Thanks bruce. Ken
Bruce Plecan wrote:
> Per normal here at CSH, HQ
> Bass ackwards but
> 1.3 CFM can make 1HP
> .75 grams per sec, can make 1 HP
> so
> 1.3 CFM=.75 grm/sec., approx
> Grumpy
> | Ken, is it possible to convert these values to CFM? (Thought: digital flow
> | bench??)
> |
> | Ken Kelly #2
> | Tom,
> | This is the stock 95 Camaro Freq to Air Flow table.
> |
> | Ken