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Hi All,

CarBytes V2 is available for downloading at
http://www.users.bigpond.com/paul_blackmore/CarBytes Downloads.htm

Please let me know of any problems with the software or documentation 
(including stupid grammar and spelling mistakes, which of course I'll blame 
on the keybaord).

Requests for version 3 would be appreciated, I'm starting version 3 
tomorrow. (Faster, better and sexier than version 2).

Good luck and happy ALDL hacking :)


P.S. There is an EasterEgg in CarBytesV2 can you find it?
(An EasterEgg is a hidden message that usually requires you to click on a 
certain part of the screen while holding various keys down and having 
previously entered certain text into certain fields).
I just had to put one in, I couldn't help myself :)