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Re: LT5 Info.., and 1228331 stuff in general.
Please forget having thoughts like that. That is something that no one else
here cares about <<<<GGGGG>>>>. Besides, I dare anyone here to figure out
how to splice that into say 730/749 code....
| If the PW is halved, would this work with other staged injectors???
(Don't need
| the buterflys!) this could support big engines with small injectors and
| quality. TWS
| >
| > Marc Randolph wrote:
| > >
| > > 1. Tim Holland, a lead engineer for the LT5 project on the Lotus side,
| > > said the following, "... the ECM will signal the ports to open, and
| > > wait .5 seconds before turning on the secondary injectors. As
| > > the secondary injectors share the same drivers as that of the
| > > primaries, the pulse width signals are halved when the secondaries
| > > operate." So, there is no mention here of partial opening, and
| > > in fact, the stated operation is that the ECM must wait for the
| > > port throttles to open before it turns on the injectors,
| > > .5 seconds later, at which point the pulse width is halved.
| > > This also makes sense from a fuel and flow stand point -
| > > the port throttles are below the fuel injectors, so if they
| > > were not opened all the way, the fuel would hit the port
| > > throttles and drip onto the back of the valve. That doesn't
| > > sound like a good idea to me...
| > >
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