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Re: TGB Adaptation Help?

There are lots of things to be done, before going to a larger TB in my
ie intake tract, exhaust, cam, then TB..
  Have you heard of or gotten a copy of the Rocket Sports (?) racing
catalog?.  Was/is available from Olds with all kinds of quad 4 stuff.

| My name is Rex Weatherford and I drive a 92 Chevy Beretta GTZ with a
| Quad4.  I have been lurking for about a week and have been absorbing
| what I can..
| I have a simple question (hopefully).  I would like to adapt a throttle
| body from a larger engine to my Quad4 instead of boring it out.  I think
| that this is electrically possible, but need some help.
| I think that I could adapt a TB from an LT1 or LS1.  I wonder what
| problems I will run into.  My car looks for .200-.900v from the TPS at
| idle and 4.5v or more (up to 5.0?) at full throttle.  It also drive the
| IAC from 0-150.  O is all the way in, 150 is all the way out (if I
| understand the book correctly).
| Can this swap be done?  I can have an adapter made to physically adapt
| the TB to my intake..  Would a new LS1 TB be easier?  My TB only has one
| plate in it, unlike the LT1 that has 2.
| I'm a little afraid of the minimum air flow in these TB's too.  Will the
| IAC be able to compensate enough?
| Do these TB's have vacuum lines on them like mine?  If not then I will
| have to tap ports into my intake for the vacuum lines.
| Let me know if this is a really bad idea.  ;^)
| Thanks!
| Rex Weatherford
| 92 Beretta GTZ
| 15.531 @ 91.28 mph (stock)
| http://www.beretta.net
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