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RE: TGB Adaptation Help?
> Most of the Rocket parts are gone. GM's into a 2.4 now, big brother
> to a 2.3, and there are fewer factory hi-po parts available for that
> engine. There are places that sell aftermaket parts for both engines,
> if you (Rex) are interested search for powertek, and mantapart, and
> look for J body (cavalier) internet sites. Be warned, people with
> 2.3, 2.4l Cavaliers and Sunfires that have done minimal work before
> swapping tb's aren't happy with the results.
> Shannen
Rex and I both participate in a listserve called Quadforum. All about the
We do know of Mantapart and Powertech.
Powertech is now defunct. Mantapart is extremely slow to deal with.
We hear you about the larger TB results.
Ron S