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RE: [VN] New Mobil1 vs. Old Mobil1 vs. Non-Synthetic?

You should read this article., I should scan it and post it,  It talks about
some tests the SAE and ASTM did and their results.  Basically they found
that synthetic oils were not compatible with the compounds that newer seals
use.  This mainly applied to rear main, oil pan and valvecover  urethane
type seals.  Though benefits were found on turbo cars in that coking was not
as prominent around journles on turbo as it was with conventional oils.
They ouline the common myth that the have longer oil change intervals .
Sure the viscosiy does not break down as soon, but it still gets
contaminated by oxides, acids and contaminates( small ones that oil filter
cannot filter out) just as quickly and in the same amount as conv oil.  Also
sythetic should not be used during breakin, as rings tend not to seat as
well.  If you are running bronze liners, it seems not  to absorb into the
broze as well, resulting in valve train wear..
Mike Rolica
Meridian Magnesium Products
Strathroy, Ont 
Ext. 260

	-----Original Message-----
	From:	Bruce Plecan [SMTP:nacelp@bright.net]
	Sent:	Tuesday, January 25, 2000 1:19 PM
	To:	gmecm@diy-efi.org
	Subject:	Re: [VN] New Mobil1 vs. Old Mobil1 vs.

	That problem goes to when it was first released back in 75 (?).
	bought a bunch of engines, inventory ran out, and a new formula was
	   I haven't heard of it being a problem, more so than any other
oil, as of
	   There was a rumor also, that it dripped more completely off
journals of
	cars in storage, and an unscientific test showed about the same as
	conventional oil.

	| One Thing many may have not thought about is seal life.  I have an
	| from wards auto world.. nov or dec that talks about synthetics.
One major
	| downfall they found is that they found synthetics then to react to
	| seals used in new cars.  Also it does not tend to keep seals moist
	| prevent drying up of seals like conventional oils
	| Just another tid bit...
	| Mike Rolica
	| Meridian Magnesium Products
	| Strathroy, Ont
	| Ext. 260
	| -----Original Message-----
	| From: Michael Adams [SMTP:michaeladams1@compuserve.com]
	| Sent: Monday, January 24, 2000 9:27 PM
	| To: 'GMECM'
	| Subject: RE: [VN] New Mobil1 vs. Old Mobil1 vs.
	| Non-Synthetic?
	| I hate to be the one to throw water on the synthetic fire, but
	| remember that synthetic oil cannot work miracles.  I have an '85
	| Buick Regal
	| that has had 20-50 Mobil 1 synthetic in it since about 20,000
	| up to
	| its current 102,000.  The oil and filter were changed every 4000
	| miles.  The
	| engine, frankly, is getting noisy.  In fact, I am a little
	| disappointed in
	| how noisy it has gotten considering the expense of Mobil 1.  I am
	| not
	| running a fleet, so I cannot attest to the value of using
	| lubricant, but I have had engines with non-synthetic oil which
	| lasted
	| better.
	| Synthetic, no doubt, is better regarding engine deposits, and
	| thermal
	| breakdown.  It's value for reducing wear in on the road conditions
	| (ie. not
	| racing), however, is questionable in my mind.  In fact, I have not
	| seen one
	| good fleet test with a true A/B comparison, with one set of cars
	| running
	| synthetic, and the other running non-synthetic, under the same
	| conditions.  If someone has seen such a test, I would be
	| in
	| seeing it.
	| Michael Adams
	| '89 Coupe 6-speed Z51
	| > People are getting 200k+
	| > miles out of everything from VW's to 'vettes to Subaru's using
	| regular
	| > organic oil simply by keeping to a good service schedule.
	| > Synthetic gives
	| > you extended drain intervals, a wider operating temperature
	| and
	| > overall lower internal friction. Going from $1/qt to $3.50/qt
	| > to get this
	| > is worth it. Going from $3.50/qt to $10/qt for Redline isn't, to
	| me.
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