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Re: Memcals

Swayze wrote:
> I got a chance to look at the diagram(s) today. I am no expert but it
> looks like the CAL?? voltages tell the chip to out put to the TPU??
> outputs/inputs on the other chip and from there to the BUF2,3,5 for
> the injectors. so it would use the EST to fire the injectors based on
> the voltages dropped from the netres circuit on the board. If I am way
> off base here please let me know. If I am close-- what resistor
> network would control pulse width-- the one on the EST(BUF3?) or or
> one of the others.

Pins 3 and 5 on the buffer chip (U3) are inputs, pin 2 is an output. 
The pin 5 input is certainly for the P+H feature.

The limp home injector control should all be in U18.  Expect that almost
all of the CAL?? resistor networks are involved with the pulse width
control.  Further, expect that the resistors do not generate just static
voltages - they probably get switched into op-amp circuits.  The 0.033
uF capacitor must play an important role.  It is a fairly impressive package.

Ludis Langens                               ludis (at) cruzers (dot) com
Mac, Fiero, & engine controller goodies:  http://www.cruzers.com/~ludis/