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Re: Lost at CSH, HQ
Well, that worked, thanks, and the ecm thanks you since the smoke is still
inside, the hammer was being warmed up.....
Grumpy (lesser, now)
| > OK, what's the trick to get the connectors off of a 1227727?.
| > It's the underhood water resistant case.
| See the two red ears that point towards the ECM from the plug back?
| Notice the two red "buttons" with knurling that stick out the sides of
| the black plastic (ECM side) shell? The ears and buttons are connected.
| Push the buttons in and pull on the cable. I think my method is to
| push in one button, lever that side of the connector out a fraction.
| Then repeat for the other side. Then give the wiring a firm yank.
| --
| Ludis Langens ludis (at) cruzers (dot) com
| Mac, Fiero, & engine controller goodies: http://www.cruzers.com/~ludis/
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