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Re: Too hot 7805
Bruce -
Also check for a shorted bypass cap after the '05; these can go shorted w/o
leaking any smoke. Start removing stuff from the board till things get
right; you *do* socket your ICs, right? I used a 7812 before the 7805 in
my MAX232 circuit; there are some spikes to over 24v in the car wiring that
can get thru the 05 & fry the caps. Warm = ok, logo on finger = too hot;
shouldn't need a heatsink in your app.
At 11:22 PM 01/27/2000 -0500, you wrote:
>I'm running a 7805, to supply 5v to a 2732, and 2 74LC 161s, all the load is
>a LED with a 1K inline resistor.
> The 7805 is really hot after just seconds, I've checked my wiring a
>jillion times, ans still that way.
> Can this 3 chips be drawing that much current?.
> This is for the ecm bench, and when "proven" will be ready for prime time