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Re: 88 quad-4

cwagner@info2000.net wrote:
> If I do use the 749 with the 2 bar map, wouldn't I be using
> about half the total map areas for fuel and spark and anything else
> for the matter?

Very few tables are affected by the 2 bar setting.  If the SyTy code is
like the Fiero '7170 code, the number of affected tables is just one -
the main spark table.  (A few individual constants are also affected.)

Most tables have significance only at idle or low MAP values.  To save
effort, the GM engineers left those in the 1 bar world.  For these
tables, the ECM computes a simulated 1 bar MAP value from the 2 bar input.

The main fuel table is one of these 1 bar tables.  During boost, a
second table gets added.

Ludis Langens                               ludis (at) cruzers (dot) com
Mac, Fiero, & engine controller goodies:  http://www.cruzers.com/~ludis/