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Re: Adapting GM ECM to Chrysler Turbo
Thanks for the replies,
I have no problem using an external regulator for the alternator. As a
mater of fact, it is easy to hook up. I expected having to use some of the
GM sensors. What are the relays? Chrysler had the fan, ASD, and A/C. It
also had Canister Purge and Wastegate control. The wastegate is manually
controlled and I really don't care about the canister (even though the EPA
does). The purge could be hooked up when necessary.
The chryco distributer has a hall effect pickup that is prone to failure.
I just carry a spare. It has two pickups in it, one for injector sync and
the other for spark. It was mentioned to adapt a dist. from another
vehicle. How was the Dist in the Sunbirds? I believe it was mounted on
the head and driven by the cam.
Of all the upgrades available, one quit modifying SBECS, another closed the
business, MP will not pass emisions, and FM sells a $2200 complete
conversion from FelPro (SpeedPro). I wish to pass emissions when
necessary, get better fuel economy, better performance and spend less $$$.
Super 60 levels of performance in a streetable machine is desirable,
however at this time, My goals are emissions first (have to test this
year), and as much performance possible from a stock Turbo II 2.2L w/
Intercooler with bolt on items like S60 (+40%) injectors, 3 Bar Map, etc.
I already have the 2.5" exhaust to the rear.
Also, a scan tool is no problem as I have the Snap-on MT2500 I 'borrowed'
from my brother.
Thanks for the Info. Anyone have an ECM and complete wiring wiring harness
w/ sensors and relays available from a 87-90 Turbo Sunbird?
Thanks for the input!
Tom McCabe
At 11:28 PM 01/28/2000 -0500, Thomas Matthews wrote:
>I looked into this when I had a Mopar...
>1. Ignition is questionable, but if you used the GM module, I think it would
>work- the Mope is magnetic. This part of my research I did not finish.
>The Mopar dist from the mid-late 80's is a piece of crap IMHO, with some
>machine work you may be able to adapt something better.
>2 No way around this one... TPS should work though.
>3. It is really easy to adapt a CryCo external regulator to take over for
>the SBEC- I did it on my car.
>4. True- MP, Forward Motion, and someone else (can't remember the name
>offhand) have upgrades, but for a custom app the GM ECM is perfect as it's
>already hacked, I was planning to go with a 749 in my project before I sold
>What are you going for- Super 60 type performance or something more?
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Programmer" <nwester@eidnet.org>
>To: <gmecm@diy-efi.org>
>Sent: Friday, January 28, 2000 10:39 AM
>Subject: Re: Adapting GM ECM to Chrysler Turbo
>> I'll give you a little discouragement...but maybe you're up for the
>> challenge.
>> 1. Ignition will be difficult to adapt.
>> 2. You'll need to use all the GM sensors and harness, relays, etc...
>> 3. Charging system is different--SBEC controlled.
>> 4. Depending on SBEC, you can already get a performance chip done.
>> Lyndon.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Thomas McCabe <mccabet@mediaone.net>
>> To: gmecm@diy-efi.org <gmecm@diy-efi.org>; gmecm@diy-efi.org
>> <gmecm@diy-efi.org>
>> Date: January 27, 2000 10:10 PM
>> Subject: Adapting GM ECM to Chrysler Turbo
>> >Good Day,
>> > I have been monitoring this list as well as the DIY-EFI lists and am
>> >amazed at the information that is available on the GM ECMs. Since there
>> >little known of the Chrysler ECMs, I have decided to investigate adapting
>> >GM ECM into my Turbo vehicles. Now comes the questions...
>> >
>> >1) Which ECM should I use and what vehicles have it?
>> >
>> >2) I intend to use a 3 Bar MAP and +40% injectors, can anyone help me
>> >a base line cal table for a 2.2L Intercooled engine?
>> >
>> >3) Can I use a Hall Effect distributer with the GM ECM so I can keep the
>> >factory distributer?
>> >
>> >I am a S/W engineer with H/W experience. I know the chrysler ECMs rather
>> >well as to their operation as a black box. I know little of the insides.
>> >Any help in this conversion would be appreciated greatly!
>> >
>> >Thank You!
>> >Tom McCabe
>> >mccabet@mediaone.net
>> >
>> >
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------