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Re: DIY-EFI.ORG (was re: 2 bar map sensor)
steve ravet wrote:
> FYI, I did some work on the GMECM page this weekend. There's a page on
> GM sensors, their ranges, etc. Right now the 3 GM Map sensors are the
> only things there but I'm going to go thru my private stash of GMECM
> posts and add temp sensors, pickups, etc.
> There's also going to be a page for each ECM, with bins, ecu files,
> other things that are specific to each ECM. right now only the 747 one
> is complete.
> Anyway people are always asking about MAP sensors, part numbers, and
> applications, it's all there now, go to www.diy-efi.org, click on GMECM,
> then click on "GM sensors".
> --steve
Great! That should be a great help.
Ummm... any word on the archives?