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Re: Auto learn code-Where?

Another alternative for those of us who are software challenged.......

How about gathering the analog output of a wide band O2 intstrument
interface into a spare ECM/PCM channel.  If a spare channel is not
available, or if a software patch to control the spare channel is not
practical,  then how about scavenging a less critical existing analog port
such as the one for fuel pump voltage (of course the associated malf code
diagnostic would have to be rendered inoquous).

In this manner the wide band O2 signal could be recorded along with the
other relational/time dependant ECU data parameters and subsequently pumped
out to the ALDL for post examination via a conventional scan tool "record"
function.  VE table tweeks might then be fairly ratiometric and intuitive?


>I think Scot's idea would work better/faster for him if he were able
>change/increase the update rate of his OEM chip and/or in the added learn
>code, if that can be found as well, might need more than a disassembler to
>find those values from running the code.  I like your idea, I have upgraded
>my heads and cam quite a bit so I know my VE tables will need some work,
>I anticipate running my DiacomP to watch the BLM and INT (and other values)
>so I can make the necessary changes to the chip while I drive via the
>emulator, provided I take a few other fueling calcs temporarily off line to
>not have them skewing the readings.  I know my local tuning buddies are
>itching to be the driver while I tune with 2 notebooks in my lap ;-), they
>also feel they owe me so much from all the fixes and chip tuning I have
>for them and their TGPs, but I more so enjoy the shared passion for turbo
>cars and the excitement when the race stories come in, "Jeff, I beat a
>(stock) WS6" or their favorite, Type R Integra and NOS Hondas ;-).  Jeff M.