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Re: Crossfire injectors.
OK, you guys seem to be thinking about the sycnh firing modes where they
alternate firings, what happens at asynch?. You need to have as close as
possible rate of discharge as possible. Asynch is for suddden accleration
WOT PE that sort of stuff. Or are you convinced, that once again gm spent a
bunch of money on useless parts.
The linkage is also different from one to the other as I recall, so you
can't just grab one off of any single TB TBI and use it.
Install two block off plates, replumb them in parrarell, and use a FPR
downstream of the TB's but as close to them as possible. Be use to use
something like AN line, and learn how to use it correctly. Then be sure you
have enough pump capacity.
> > > I may be way off base on this(happens alot), but I thought the Idea of
> > accumulator had to with keeping the firing of each injector from
> > the other since they are in series.
> > i.e. the front injector firing wouldn't affect FP to the rear when it
> > especially under higher demand times.
> > Kevin R
> I think what was meant is that it's not needed...perhaps over
> engineered. The accumulater is supposed to absorb pulses (fluctuation
> in pressure) from the injectors, fuel pump, etc. The GM Port fuel
> injected cars have an accumulater just above the pump in the tank. But,
> as I understand it (from Buick GS Club literature) the go fast guys
> remove it anyway.
> -Brent