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Re: Timing, revisited....
If you do anything to change the VE, then ya gotta look at everything, if
only just a glance.
I would expect more timing at cruise, and less at WOT.
Fuel could be anyone's guess, but I'd try adding more, first.
For the cruise opimizing, I go with TPSv at a particular road speed, as a
guage and work the timing fuel back and forth till best (ie lowest
voltage). However that might not be best MPG, but rather happiest engine.
> Didn't think I could make a bonehead mistake by mixing up the 2:1 ratio,
> but ya never know.......
> I've got a pair of 1996 heads to be installed soon, so I was interested in
> what changes, other than the VE tables, might be affected. That got me
> looking @ the spark table, too.
> Do these (1991) heads really burn *that* fast, that timing can be cut in
> half???? Doesn't seem reasonable to me.
> Other speed/load (RPM/MAP) points aren't as easy to read (I don't have a
> dyno...boo hoo); although, I do remember Bruce mentioning an episode about
> a VW, a timing light and clinging to a bumper awhile back......
> Still puzzled; can anyone shed some more light on this???
> Thanks - Barry - Sy#26