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Re: LO3 TBI Total timing advance, how much?
There are numerous timing tables in the DIY_EFI archives, and in the
tuning.doc there are some from my x-fire TBI. Also look there under 747 and
there is a VERY good posting about using the 747 as a timing only ecm, and
it explains all the computations for a TBI EFI system.
That I know a guy is great for cruise night, and I've known people to give
bad info out in circumstances like that!.
Yep, my answers often aren't popular..
> Well, I guessed that because Ive got a buddy running a carb setup with
> mechanical advance, smaller cam, swirl port heads, weaker exhaust, same
> of car, same displacement etc etc and he tells me his total advance is in
> the low-mid 40s. No knock either. He could be confused i suppose, i dunno.
> Still, just to satisfy my curiosity, any idea on the amount of total
> the stock setup gm programs in there calls for? I know theres alot more
> setting up the correct timing advance curve on a motor and than just total
> advance but i doubt anyone is going to mail me advance curve graphs so i
> kept the question simple
> At 03:13 PM 2/6/00 -0500, you wrote:
> >I never, ever, look at timing that way.
> >Deep underneath things, you'll now want to try that and might ignore what
> >actually works best. High 40s, I hope you mean maybe at cruise, with
> > It's all testing, it's what the engine wants/needs, not something that
> >you've thought of. "If" they match pet your ego, and put it away. More
> >tuning F--- --- are caused by someone thinking that it should need
> >something, and they ignore what the engine is telling them.
> > The other problem is once you reach the end of tuning to the gas
> >is stopping, sometimes there just isn't anything you can do. In some
> >applications, you might try some remounting off the Knock sensor, but you
> >can dig a deep hole real fast. Remember plug cuts.
> >Grumpy
> >
> >> Im thinking my current setup would want total timing in the upper 40s,
> >just
> >> wondering how off it is right now.
> >> thanks,
> >> Pablo
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >