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RE: LM3914???
The only drawback to this module is that it has an on-chip 10/1 divider, so
it reads 1.2V to 12V in... rather than 0-1V. Good idea though.
www.digikey.com has the LM3914N for a little over a buck in single quantity
and the all the parts can be purchased for about 10 bucks minus the box and
perf board.
I made this and it works well, except I made eight on one board, using eight
10-segment bar graph LEDs, allowing me/us to monitor Air/Fuel on each
cylinder of an engine on a dyno.
-----Original Message-----
From: Ken Kelly
To: gmecm@diy-efi.org
Sent: 2/7/00 12:04 PM
Subject: RE: LM3914???
Even better; Jameco sells a complete unit that has the LED segments and
all on one board - even less soldering! Costs $6.95 in their catalog.
be a bit more expensive than just buying the chip and a 10-segment LED
display, but it's a lot easier than trying to fab a board and hopefully
fry the LED's or 3914.
http://www.jameco.com is their website.
Ken Kelly (#2)