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Re: Guidance:I am a beginer !!

you will need to look in the
archives(DIY_EFI not GMECM) under the
subject header MAF and MAP (I believe).
A FORD engineer goes into a lengthy
discussion on how the different EFI
systems work. He also references several
SAE papers which would be good reading.
Most of the GMECM systems are Motorola
based microcontrollers-- you will need
to visit the Motorola WEB site for info
on these.The GM versions are specialized
versions of these. Most of the available
books describing system specifics for
EFI are service manuals. They do not
tend to get heavily into modifying or
explaining the 'programming' (tuning) of
these systems. The internet is probably
your next best reference. One of the
most common systems on this list is the
TPI setup. You can find some info on
this at
There are some pertinent equations at
the EFI332 site
although I went here for my needs
and there are some spreadsheets in the
archives which prove handy.

What are the most prevalent automobiles
in India? Are there U-Pull-It junkyards
close to where you live? These would
prove to be a source of inexpensive

> Hi all,
>         I want to learn a Electronic Fuel Injection. I am a beginer in
> this  field, that is why i fail to get the all the stuff in this mailing
> list.which books or sites would you like to suggest for me to read.
>         I don't have any sound background of microcontrollers.I am doing
> my Master's Degree in Design Engg.( under mechanical department) at Indian
> Institute of Technology Bombay,India.Here i am working on the "Electronic
> fuel injection" I need more informations regarding detail for single or
> multi port injections, What is microcontroller used ? How they worked ? if
> you have the book about Design Electronic Fuel Injection, include Hardware
> and Software, would you please tell me.
>         Thanks for your attention, please email me back.
> Keep mailing.
> Your's
> Ajay Vaidya.
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>                 I think ["HENCE"],I can "DO" it !!!
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>         * LOCAL ADDRESS *                          * GLOBAL ADDRESS *
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>      VAIDYA AJAY ASHOK                         C/O ASHOK B. VAIDYA.
>      M.TECH. [DESIGN] (MECHANICAL ENGG.)       PLOT NO.13-B, 273/1,
>      HOSTEL NO : H-1                           DR. ANTROLIKAR NAGER -1,
>      ROOM   NO : 104                           BEHIND KINARA HOTEL,
>      PHONE  NO :  External: 5781017            SOLAPUR :413003.
>      IIT-BOMBAY,POWAI,Mumbai-76.               MAHARASHSTRA.
>      POWAI,Mumbai 400076                       India.
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>                    *E-MAIL*    aavaidya@me.iitb.ernet.in
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~