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Re: ecm bench
I run my test bench for an 8051 (94-95 LT1)PCm in a 3.5" floppy expansion box,
and use the built in Power supply. It works fine, and sits at about 11.8 volts.
I do not power the Injectors with it. They are the big power users. My supply is
a standard PC expansion box rated at 12v and 2.02 Amps!
Bja1078@aol.com wrote:
> hey grumpy how much current does your bench use? do you think a 8amp power
> supply from a computer would do the trick, or should I find a 12amp? or will
> this even work at all? I would rather not have a tractor battery and charger
> in my bed room.......... any ideas would me appreciated!
> -Brian