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Re: V8 '165 harness modifications

In a message dated 2/10/00 11:24:12 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
tystorm@email.msn.com writes:

<<  The sensor is a thermo-timer. It has a heater in it too. the sensor
 > grounds the other side of the injector for a time period based on
 > engine temperature. the internal thermo switch is closed until the
 > heater heats it enough to open. Similar in principle to the "old"
 > carb electric chokes.
 And here all those GN/TTypes are paying money for an extra (7th) injector
 setup for fueling bigger air flow mods, umm.  Maybe a few programming
 changes and ? >>

Additionally, I believe the cold start injector is fired only under cranking. 
Once started the cold enrichment tables are used. I'd haveto look at a 
schematic to be positive, but thats how most of the cold start injectors work.

Jim Testa                                         TType86 on #BuickGN
jtesta1966@aol.com                               buick.fiendish.net:6667
ASE Master Technician            NJ Lic. Motor Vehicle Inspector
L1 Adv Eng Perf Certified     NJ Licensed Emissions repair Tech