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Re: Need help with PE mode questions.


Bit 7 @ 0xD006 ('747),defines whether to use the tps or the map for the
pump shot. It's one or the other. The compensation from a level road to
an incline, is done by the VE table with the map and rpm as input.


Kevin Reynolds wrote:

> There seem to be 2 "pump shot" modes, one for TPS movement, and the other
>  for change in MAP.
>  Am I correct in assuming that the MAP enrichment is used for increased load
>  with no change in TPS i.e. going from level to incline in road way? If this
>  is so and the TPS one is to compensate for the sudden change in throttle
>  opening, is the MAP enrichment inactive when the TPS enrichment engages, or
>  do they combine? What I'm asking is, when you mash the GO pedal, the TPS
>  enrichment kicks in, but the sudden opening would also affect the MAP
>  readings, are these ignored, or are they added to the TPS enrichment?
>  Kevin R