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RE: h*lp maps question

-----------------------From: "Paul Smith"
Subject: h*lp maps question

This is a question about wastegate control from a
delco ecm,have beentoldthat code can be written for
the Australian (808) that
will control theturbos wastegate (by swapping between
2 maps?) Can
anyone explain to mewhatis ment by this ?? how it

Not sure what the swapping between maps part is 
referring to, but I'll betcha Delco used very similar
boost code in many of it's P4 turbo apps (assuming
this is a P4 box):

Hopefully, the Excel upload makes it to the ftp
site before this message. I'm having problems getting
it to connect. I'll keep trying.

Anyway, the uploaded Excel file contains the Syty
('749,AYBM Broadcast, $58 program ID) and the 
Turbo GP boost code, side by side. It's identical.
The Syty has my debug labels from the GM document,
which should be the same in the TGP app.

My point to all this is that while I've never looked
at some of the Lotus and other Euro-iron, I'd bet that
their boost routines are similar, if not the same.
You should be able to use/find a code chunk that you
can cut-n-paste into the app you're looking for.

'91 Syclone - Feel the power of the wind.