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Re: Lt1 Optispark
The PCM doesn't understand HEI signals.
Taking the front of the motor off to install custom bits, is alot more work
then adding a dissy, in my book.
I'm a beleiver in simplicity is the key to design.
> > The optispark would probably be the hardest to do IMHO. sorting out all
> > differnent signal lenghts would be a trick. To me it would be easier to
> > an existing Dissy, and add another sensor, for the sych sifgnal.
> What about putting the trigger on the crank and setting the dissy up
> only for the sync signal. This would give you TDC driven by the cam.
> If the sync has some minor time shift it shouldn't matter as long as
> it's after the last cylinder and before the first cylinder.
> Just thinking off the top of my head.
> Matt