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Re: 89 F-body ECU file = 89 Y-body ECU file?
Did you leave the MAF sensor installed when you ran the 730 in your tests or did you remove it and replace with a section of pipe?
/Ernst denBroeder
At 11:20 AM 3/10/00 -0500, you wrote:
>Don't be so fast to suggest unless you've gotten further emperical
>data to support it... Though I don't claim to have a fully tuned
>'730 bin file yet, I tested the '730 and '165 systems head to head
>last weekend at the track and the '165 was constitantly 0.1 second
>faster in the 1/4 mile on my car.. (Est. 400 gross HP)
>(I have built an adaptor cable that routes the '165 OEM harness to a
> '730, and my car is equiped with both MAP and MAF sensors and dual
> knock sensors...
> http://www.eecis.udel.edu/~davis/z28/ecm_swap_730/
>Quarter-mile runs with the car, each about 15 minutes after one another..
> 1 (MAP) 13.098@105 (let car shift to OD)
> 2 (MAP) 13.095@105 (let car shift to OD)
> 3 (MAF) 12.941@105 (kept car in 3rd to 5600rpm)
> 4 (MAF) 13.071@103 (let car shift to OD)
> 5 (MAF) 12.927@106 (kept car in 3rd to 5800rpm)
> 6 (MAP) 13.063@105 (kept car in 3rd to 5800rpm)
> 7 (MAP) 13.050@105 (kept car in 3rd to 5900rpm)
>In message <01BF8A80.695CCE40@amy-and-mike>,Mike rolica writes:
>>Been there and done that. The 89 f body and vette 165 bins are not laid =
>>out the same. I think1 or 2 tables are but thats about it. Want some =
>>real improvement... swap to a 730.