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Re: 89 F-body ECU file = 89 Y-body ECU file?
Well, you can get MAFs to go way past the 255 but that is with the newer
But, they get all the more expensive.
On a different note. Do you wind up moving the IAT, CTS corrections around
> Ok if you want me to elaborate.... Map sensors are cheap..... maf are
> expensive.... Really expensive. On a rump rump cam maf sensors give
> readings more so than map.. map you can dampen. On mod engine as mine,
> would only read to about 2800rpm where it maxed out (255). Map is
> unlimited. Maf is bulky and takes up room in intake track.
> For emp evidence. Maf @ 400cfm there is a press drop of 4 in h2o. so
> fairly restrictive @ 500cfm pd is 12.5in h2o. (This is a gutted and ported
> maf) A stock maf should be worse.
> From what I've seen on the list, it is not yet possible or
> it is really difficult and expensive to enable to read past 255. Your
> in times, may be due to what you said earlier "... Though I don't claim
> have a fully tuned '730 bin file yet". I do, with losa help and advise
> from Bruce ;0).
> On a personal note, I find map much easier to work with and understand
> be due to my background in mech. eng)
> Mike Rolica
> Meridian Magnesium Products
> Strathroy, Ont
> Ext. 260
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Michael Davis [SMTP:davis@mail.eecis.udel.edu]
> Sent: Friday, March 10, 2000 11:20 AM
> To: gmecm@diy-efi.org
> Subject: Re: 89 F-body ECU file = 89 Y-body ECU file?
> Don't be so fast to suggest unless you've gotten further
> emperical
> data to support it... Though I don't claim to have a fully
> tuned
> '730 bin file yet, I tested the '730 and '165 systems head
> to head
> last weekend at the track and the '165 was constitantly 0.1
> second
> faster in the 1/4 mile on my car.. (Est. 400 gross HP)
> (I have built an adaptor cable that routes the '165 OEM
> harness to a
> '730, and my car is equiped with both MAP and MAF sensors
> and dual
> knock sensors...
> http://www.eecis.udel.edu/~davis/z28/ecm_swap_730/
> )
> Quarter-mile runs with the car, each about 15 minutes after
> one another..
> 1 (MAP) 13.098@105 (let car shift to OD)
> 2 (MAP) 13.095@105 (let car shift to OD)
> 3 (MAF) 12.941@105 (kept car in 3rd to
> 5600rpm)
> 4 (MAF) 13.071@103 (let car shift to OD)
> 5 (MAF) 12.927@106 (kept car in 3rd to
> 5800rpm)
> 6 (MAP) 13.063@105 (kept car in 3rd to 5800rpm)
> 7 (MAP) 13.050@105 (kept car in 3rd to 5900rpm)
> In message <01BF8A80.695CCE40@amy-and-mike>,Mike rolica
> writes:
> >
> >Been there and done that. The 89 f body and vette 165 bins
> are not laid =
> >out the same. I think1 or 2 tables are but thats about it.
> Want some =
> >real improvement... swap to a 730.
> >