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Re: MAP signal dampening

Actualy most ECM do just that and apply a weigted average selected by
operating paramaters. GM cales it a lag filter


On Fri, 10 Mar 2000 15:34:34 -0500, gmecm@diy-efi.org wrote:

>  is there an easy way to 'average' the MAP signal to the ECM?(read several
>  values and average?)
>  must be time to hit the archives.
>  lumpy cam is a ways off yet.
>  thanks
>  byE
>  Mike
>  Swayze
>  mswayze@truswood.com
>  kswayze@bellsouth.net
>  ........
>  >   Big cams have a lumpy idle, bigger cams have a lumpier idle, if
>  > what your talking about.  The dumber the ecm is at idle the less this
is a
>  ......
>  >   Sometimes lots of advance helps (at idle).
>  > Grumpy



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