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RE: MAP signal dampening
At 06:34 PM 10/3/2000 -0600, you wrote:
>Pnuematics can be modeled in electrical terms.
>Capcitor = tomatoe can, restriction in resistor.
>Many software digital filters will not work as intended if do not
>have signal conditioning. such as r-c filter.
A kalman filter is ideal for this application.
Take a list of readings (RAM fifo etc)
extract values from list and apply differing weights depending on
time constant/rate of change etc. Can also handle multiple order de effect.
We used this approach on nucleonic ore flow gauges where the probes
were subject to a great deal of C60 noise when the ore curtain wasn't
flowing but where the noise seemed to diminish during full flow.
We needed a fast response time so it wouldn't clog the screens, the
maths was actually done by Indesa Rajasingham back in about 1979 based
on basic Kalman filter theory but is adaptable to noisey/rate of
change issues such as AFM, MAP etc We used a pace 16 bit micro running
a small version of forth which we could intersperse with assembler, a
neat little setup - only drawback was the damn paper tapes <sigh>
For my replacement EFI.
I'll be implemented a 3rd order differentia;l kalman in a little slave
cpu as the front end to my main cpu. Comms to main CPU via SPI and
possibly a separate CPU just for injector sequencing - long way to
go yet but the basic programming/comms model appears to stand anaylsis...
I have some kalman links (somewhere) if anybody wants em but its been a
little while since I did a search, try an up to date search on this
new AI inference engine:-
Mike Massen
Ancient Sufi saying:
"Should your God save you from adversity, choose another God"
Pictures of site installation at Mendulong near Sipitang, Sabah (Malaysia) for
container based RAPS... http://www.wantree.com.au/~erazmus
Vehicle modifications on GMH Turbo, twin tyres, possible 175Kw at wheels
Preliminary pictures at http://www.wantree.com.au/~erazmus/Twin_tyre_vehicle/
My editorial on twin-tyre opinion and good reference about tyres:-