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Re: dumb & dumber
> I feel like I have entered a class for "Quantum physics" when I should be
> Physics 101!!
> did every one on the list start out blessed with complete knowledge of
> computor science as related to cars? Or am I just dumb??
> Is there no literature out there for the beginner??
I started tuning in 1965, professionally at about 72. I worked at numerous
different OEM Dealerships, and went to every vocational/manufacturers school
for auto repair that I could. I worked heavy line mechanic for years, and
learned that when it was the apprentice/journeyman system. I spent at least
40 hours a week on this list, and probably that many hours a week earlier
reading the archives. I have 0 time of formal electrical training, 0 time
in computer science, but a few net pals that I've bugged to death with
e-mail trying to figure this stuff out. What I have been able to learn,
I've tried to give it away by doing program 101, and related
postings/emails, on+off list. When I started reading this list, It took me
weeks to figure out how to word my guestions.
So, "No", your not dumb, Your in the right class, but there is no
structure to it, you only get what you ask for.
Oh, and yes there are speed secrets. You just got to work enough to find
them. And be willing to wear a CSH, when it doesn't turn out anything like
what you'd expect.
Yep, after countless days, bloody knuckles, sleepless nights, I've been
born with a slight knowledge of ecms.
Oh be patient, you'll really wonder about things, after studing things
for months, and then realise you knew even less then you thought you did,
but then look at what you had to learn to even feel that way.
> "There are no speed secrets! Just good engineering"
> Gene L. Clifford