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Re: 700R4 TCC Solenoid bad? (limited EFI content)
What type of Ignition does it have? Magnavox ( One big single coil) or type
II(3 pairs of coils?)
Magnavox secondary side is 12-14k resistance. Never had on fail on primary
Even had spark plugs worn .010" over spec cause that in Magnavox systems.
Just curious
-----Original Message-----
From: Programmer <nwester@eidnet.org>
To: gmecm@diy-efi.org <gmecm@diy-efi.org>
Date: Wednesday, March 15, 2000 12:07 PM
Subject: Re: 700R4 TCC Solenoid bad? (limited EFI content)
-----Original Message-----
From: Peter Gargano <peter@ntserver.techedge.com.au>
To: gmecm@diy-efi.org <gmecm@diy-efi.org>
Date: March 14, 2000 3:59 PM
Subject: 700R4 TCC Solenoid bad? (limited EFI content)
>My VN Commodore 3.8 V6 has a "Turbo Hydra-Matic 700R4" and has just
>one ECM connection - the TCC Solenoid (I'm sure this isn't news to most
>list members ;-) I had to look at my manual!...
>My wife mostly drives the VN to work in light traffic. I only get to drive
>when it's playing up, or on a long trip. Last weekend the car (apparently)
>had a problem with unlocking the TCC. When doing constant freeway speed
>~ 70 mph) and coming to a hill, there would be a point when you'd expect
>the TCC to unlock to get a few more revs (and torque) to make it up the
>hill. At this point the transmission seemed to try to unlock and
>lock up again, causing an oscillation at about 3-5 Hz - only cure was to
>back to 3rd (from OD to D on shifter) until over the hill!
>I swapped the ECU and this didn't make any difference - haven't had time to
>check anything else (wife has car!). I'll swap/check the TCC solenoid
>It seems like the TCC solenoid may be pulling in and then almost
>letting go - is this common, or do I have a hydraulic (ie. auto trans)
>Note that this problem is not apparent when accelerating (fast or slow) up
>the gears, only when the motor/ECU/transmission senses a load that would
>a downchange/TCC unlock condition.
>All ideas greatly appreciated.
>regards, PG