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Re: Delco

You'll need to "hack" your existing bin file and make an ECU file
to match (just use a text editor to make your ECU file).
Binaries are not all generic files--you have to specify where
the data and tables exist in your ECU file. Table sizes, data, etc...vary
with each GM ECM part number. After you get your binary hacked and ECU done,
do the data changes based on your ECU file layout. You'll still need to
correctly calculate checksum afterwards or find
the byte that is the "ID byte" and disable the computer checksum
calculation check--burn your PROM and burn your tires...

-----Original Message-----
From: black maj <blackmin@hotmail.com>
To: gmecm@lists.diy-efi.org <gmecm@lists.diy-efi.org>
Date: March 15, 2000 8:37 PM
Subject: Delco

>Hi I am currently running a custom modified Camira 2L declo system on my
>mini. I am using all stock sensors bar the o2 sensor.  The engine will run
>idle etc etc.. and it's totally driveable, but in order to get the most out
>of it i have to remap the computer. I have some programs Promeditm, winbin
>to modify the proms. i also haver access to a burner, however, my bin and
>ecu files don't seem to work with winbin, and hence was after relevant 4cyl
>bin and ecu. files for the camira and the 1227808 computer.  I am also
>interested in any ways to real time tune the engine?

