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Re: My turn for a conversion
FYI, I just noticed tunercat came out with a 746 editing file. There is a
typo on their page though as they list it as a 6746 when infact it is an
8746 but its the right one for the $61 ecm. Might wanna look into that, I
understand it has all the important tables, save yourself a bit of cash and
Also, the 305/350 TB is the same and they can be mated to a square bore carb
manifold with an adapter plate (thats what I have done with great results on
a single plane)
I also wonder if the larger injectors from the 350 TBI are really
neccesary. Looking through the archives Ive seen various posts by member
Walter Sherwin stating that GM TBI injectors are good for pressures far
exceeding the max adjustment of the stock regulator. I believe he runs 40
psi (correct me if im wrong) on his truck.
Could save you a bit of cash there aswell... I worked out that 25 psi on my
stock 305 injectors would flow just over 80lbs an injector. I cant think of
any downsides to it especially since youll have to change the fuel pump
anyways but what do I know. If my memory serves me correctly the pump I am
using is the parts store replacement for a 96+ gm 350 truck and some
caddilacs, flows more and is capable of 30 psi I believe (dont remember
good luck
At 04:02 PM 3/17/00 -0500, you wrote:
>> I just ripped a 305 TPI
>amended to read TBI
>setup off an 89 Camaro. 1228746 ECM. 2732 looking
>> prom
>The reason is that it is a 2732A, just like in your 148.
>(didnt remove the label to get the #'s off it) 86ANTT calibration. My
>> question: This car was equipped with VATS, is the flag to turn on the fuel
>> pump in the prom? or in ROM, meaning this ECM wont be any good for me?
>Just exchange it for a 747, and be done with the fooling around. The 747 is
>toally hac'd, and editors available for it. The sacrifice is no IAT sensor.
>My 747 TBI ran fine, with out it, and 87-91 gm pickups did also.. 747 no
>Vats, Bats, or dingbats.
>I have 0 info., about if the 746 uses the vats.
> Course, the FBI shows up at CSH, HQ when I write too much about blowing up
> I also
>> have the complete harness (I did cut it where it goes theru the driver
>> firewall...I'm gonna strip out the power (alternator) crap anyway. Hope I
>> didnt bite off more than I cared to chew.
>I think that is a common ailment of list members here <<g>> (ie we all
>think, oh, just a little tuning here, and there, then 2 years later, hmm I
>need a new car, and it starts over). Like your done tuning the T
>This car is my beater....dont need
>> it down for a month. The mechanical swap will take 20 mins...but the
>> and subsequent recalibration will probably take me time. Think this cal
>> be a drop in? Its going from a 305 camaro to a 305 Monte, if it runs ok
>> way it is, it'll give me time to play, vs having to get the cal right B4
>> turning it over..
>If the 350 is stock, just get a Throttle body off of a 87-91 gm Pickup 350,
>use a oem 350 auto/stick calibration, and, go for it.
>> Anyone have any insight?
>Into what?.
>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>> Jim Testa TType86 on #BuickGN
>> jtesta1966@aol.com buick.fiendish.net:6667
>> ASE Master Technician NJ Lic. Motor Vehicle Inspector
>> L1 Adv Eng Perf Certified NJ Licensed Emissions repair Tech
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------