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Re: TPI 747
This is so true (lack of room). I'm using the 747 as I started before the
hac's became available. At the time, there was some decent info on the
747, which made it attractive.
I've added patches, along with looking at increasing table sizes. In order
to do a lot of this, I'd like to disable the on-board ROM, add decoding,
then a larger EPROM. It's getting where I'm weighing the cost of going to
a 730, against the investment I have in the 747.
No matter, as I am frantically working on the fuel delivery system for the
TBI. I need to get it running to do a school paper (need the credits).
nacelp wrote:
> More a lack of room to tinker with things.
> While it's OK and then some, it's just not perfect, and he's gone over
> everything trying to get it that way. Like I said he's fussy, and that
> means time, so at some point it would habe been just easier, and faster to
> use say a 730, is all..
> Grumpy
> > Yea, the biggest problem with the '747 is lack of data. The aldl sends a
> small
> > frame of data once every two seconds or so. Do you think that may be why
> he
> > does not like doing this conversion? (A simple board with a handful of
> chips,
> > and all 256 bytes of scratch-pad ram are yours up to 36 times a second.)
> >
> > BobR.
> >
> > nacelp wrote:
> >
> > > Just a note.
> > > A friend that does calibrations at the oem level, has just finished
> doing a
> > > SBC TPI run by a 747. While it runs OK, and the owner is happy, he says
> > > that's the last one he'll ever do. No specifics yet, but he definetly
> knows
> > > his stuff. Just not as good as a 730 system is, in drivibility, course
> he's
> > > the fussy type.
> > > Grumpy
> > >
> >