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Re: power towers ??
Well--I gave it a 20 "HP" when I heard of it <BG>.
So you're saying something like the tower with two holes, but losing
the centre section will help ?? Didn't realize the intakes were that
-----Original Message-----
From: nacelp <nacelp@bright.net>
To: gmecm@diy-efi.org <gmecm@diy-efi.org>
Date: March 19, 2000 5:35 PM
Subject: Re: power towers ??
>Hp probably means hyena power, the strenght you get from laughing all the
>way to the bank, IMHO. The TBI have such small plenums though that
>helps, if you want any power higher then cruise. On a 90 Chevy PU just
>changing pintles on the IAC on a 350 made a 3 MPH difference in top end.
>in a way they do work, just an expensive way. I'd try an open one, so as
>make it a kinda shared (not hardy open) plenum
>> Hi CSQ,
>> What the heck is with these bolt on plates between a TBI and manifold and
>> plates that space throttle plate and manifold ? Where's the 15 HP ???
>> Lyndon.
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