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Re: TBI vs Port Injected
The L05 5.7l motor picks up about 40 HP and 40#/ft going from TBI to MPEFI
On Mon, 20 Mar 2000 22:10:00 PST, gmecm@diy-efi.org wrote:
> For a relatively mild street engine is a port fuel injected motor going
> produce more horsepower than the same motor with TBI? Is this an dry air
> flow versus wet air flow difference or really more related to intake
> manifold design?
> Bruce's crossfire setup is an example of an optimized TBI with a good
> manifold, but would this motor have performed better if it were port fuel
> injected?
> The following is the background for this preceding questions. I am now
> slowly gathering the parts for a "new" 4.3 for my truck(94 m5 s10). Mild
> 96+ 4.3 heads 2.02/1.60 ported polished and coated, GM performance marine
> cam in a non balance shaft block, compression ration is TBD, coated
> Edlebrock headers and catback exhaust. Currently it uses a 16184738 VCM
> (VCMs control both the powertrain and the ABS plus generate the signal
> the speedometer and possibly other gauges). My options are;
> Retain the current fuel system and improve or replace the intake
> Swap the ABS system to a stand alone unit and use a auto tranny
> 16156647 on a CPI fuel system.
> Find a 1995 16193495 VCM and harness and use SCPI fuel system. This is
> I was planning on doing, but I am currently having difficulty finding
> This VCM was calibrated for a M5 and utilized the earlier CPI injection
> system.
> Use the 16184738 VCM to control a Sy/Ty fuel system. Probably the least
> practical solution.
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