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RE: HEI Module versions?

541 refers to the module type, 6E31 is the date code  6=1986  E= month
31=day of month
so you have a 541 module built on May 31 1986 The 466 could be the vendor or
plant. not sure. 
> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Peter Gargano [SMTP:peter@ntserver.techedge.com.au]
> Sent:	Thursday, March 23, 2000 2:25 PM
> To:	gmecm@diy-efi.org
> Subject:	HEI Module versions?
> Re: Driving an HEI Module with other signals
>  Thanks for the info from everyone so far.
>  It sounds like I can easily drive the HEI module from 
>  a set of points. Of course, I'd have to supply a whetting
>  current to any set of points operating in a real (as 
>  opposed to a bench) environment, so this would slightly
>  complicate a "real" setup.
> Next question relates to how many variants of the HEI module 
> there are. I have an 8 pin module (3 groups of pins 2 + 2 + 4)
> with "466" moulded into the top plastic, and "541 6E31" stamped
> into the top (bottom has "MEXICO  17641  541" with some numbers
> perhaps rubbed off!) It's from a 2.0L 4 cyl JE Camira (Aust.)
> circa 1987 vintage. 
> I also see that a 7 pin (+ ground point) module exists with 2 
> groups of pins (2 + 5), as found on a "5.0L F Series" and used
> with a '165 used circa 1986.
> Any other variants worth a mention?
> PG.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------