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Re: First GN chip

> << Gotta get a Hemco plenum, and faster IAT sensor, I think that is
>  that needs attention.
>  Feelin less Grumpy today for some reason.
>  Grumpy >>

> If you're using a 148 ECM, the IAT does virtually nothing in the GN's cal
> Fueling adjustments are only like 120* and up, and the timing tables
are )'d
> out. Why would you need IAT?

To account for variable I/C discharge temps due to heat soak, ambiaent air

 Are you goin to use IAT for something your own?
> Is there any driveability to be gained by using it?

Yep, just cause GM skips some things don't mean it's right.  I think John's
patch for full time baro is terrific.

 Did you ever try that bin
> I sent?

Heck, just got car out of body shop (been on the road for 28 hours, so far).
So the answer is not yet, but will, got some loose ends on engine install
yet to do.  While healthy I still just got one lung to work with, and I'm
stamina limited (and a tad slower then I used to be)
   Life begins at 5 PSI, and gets better from there. Whooooooosh

> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Jim Testa                                         TType86 on #BuickGN
> jtesta1966@aol.com                               buick.fiendish.net:6667